Last updated July 8, 2018

Radwin Ltd. and our affiliates (“we” or “us” or “our”) respect the privacy of our users (“user” or “you”). This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you visit our application (the “Application”).   Please read this Privacy Policy carefully.  IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT ACCESS THE APPLICATION.

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason.  We will alert you about any changes by updating the “Last updated” date of this Privacy Policy.  You are encouraged to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed of updates. You will be deemed to have been made aware of, will be subject to, and will be deemed to have accepted the changes in any revised Privacy Policy by your continued use of the Application after the date such revised Privacy Policy is posted.  

This Privacy Policy does not apply to any third-party online mobile store from which you install the Application or make payments, which may also collect and use data about you.  We are not responsible for any of the data collected by any such third party, and this policy does not govern such third party conduct.

This Privacy Policy describes:


We may collect information about you in a variety of ways.  The information we may collect by the Application includes:  

Reference to Personal Data

In this Privacy Policy, the term “personal information” means any information collected by us or provided by you that, with reasonable efforts, may be used to identify you, which may include first and last name, email address, location and phone number.  

Derivative Data  

Means information that our servers automatically collect when you access the Application, such as your actions that are integral to the Application, including any interactions with the Application.  

Mobile Device Access

We may request access or permission to certain features from your mobile device, including your mobile device’s features. If you wish to change our access or permissions, you may do so in your device’s settings.


Having accurate information about you permits us to provide you with a smooth, efficient, and customized service.  Specifically, we may require – by the Application - access to your device information such as:

If you believe that your privacy has been compromised by any person, in the course of using the Application’s services, please contact Radwin Ltd. at You may also send Radwin other requests, responses, questions and complaints with respect to the Application.

Please note that when you install the Application on your mobile device, we will set up an account associated with that mobile device. After installation, we will collect and use your information, as described herein, in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Subject to your prior indication of consent, we may also use the email address that you provide when installing the Application to send you our marketing material. At any time you may choose not to receive such material by: (i) changing the email preferences in your account; or (ii) clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link in the e-mail messages that we may send you. In any case, we will not knowingly share your personal information with any advertisers, without your explicit consent and as allowed for under this Privacy Policy.


We do not sell, rent or lease your personal information to third parties, but we may share information we have collected about you in certain situations:

For The Services

As necessary for the operation of the Application services.

Third-Party Service Providers

We may collect, hold and manage your information through cloud based or hosting services or a third party or a party affiliated or connected to us, as reasonable for business purposes, which may be located in countries outside of your jurisdiction. We may also share your information with third parties that perform other services for us or on our behalf, including payment processing, data analysis, email delivery, customer service, and marketing assistance.

By Law or to Protect Rights

When we reasonably believe that you have breached the Application’s Terms of Use, or abused your rights to use the Application, or performed any act or omission that we reasonably believe to be violating any applicable law, rules or regulations. We may share your information in these cases with law enforcement agencies and other competent authorities and with any third party as may be required to handle any result of your wrongdoing.

We may also share your information if we believe such release of information is necessary to respond to legal process, to investigate or remedy potential violations of our policies, or to protect the rights, property, and safety of others. Sharing your information shall be done as permitted or required by any applicable law, rule or regulation.  This includes exchanging information with other entities for fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

We may also share your information in any case of dispute or legal proceedings of any kind between you and us or between you and other users with respect to, or in relation with the Application services.

Interactions with Other Users

If you interact with other users of the Application, those users may see your information.

Online Postings

When you post comments, contributions or other content to the Application, your posts may be viewed by all users and may be publicly distributed outside the Application in perpetuity.

Third-Party Advertisers

We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit the Application. These companies may use information about your visits to the Application and other websites that are contained in web cookies in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.


We may share your information with companies or organizations connected or affiliated with us, such as subsidiaries, sister-companies and parent companies, in which case we will require those entities to honor this Privacy Policy.

Social Media Contacts  

If you connect to the Application through a social network, your contacts on the social network will see your name, profile photo, and descriptions of your activity.

Other Third Parties

We may share your information with advertisers and investors for the purpose of conducting general business analysis. We may also share your information with such third parties for marketing purposes, as permitted by law.


Further information may be collected when we exchange communications with you, for example, if you submit a request, contact our support team, or report a violation to the abuse team.

Sale or Bankruptcy

If we reorganize or sell all or a portion of our assets, undergo a merger, or are acquired by another entity, we may transfer your information to the successor entity.  If we go out of business or enter bankruptcy, your information would be an asset transferred or acquired by a third party subject to applicable law.  You acknowledge that such transfers may occur and that the transferee may decline honor commitments we made in this Privacy Policy.


We are not responsible for the actions of third parties with whom you share personal or sensitive data, and we have no authority to manage or control third-party solicitations.  If you no longer wish to receive correspondence, emails or other communications from third parties, you are responsible for contacting such third parties directly.

We take great measures to provide you with the best experience you can have while using the Application. However, we have no control over the conduct of any user and disclaim all liability in this regard. Users are advised to carefully and thoroughly consider whether or not to make public or available any information and carefully examine all necessary details related to any communication with other users prior to any engagement or communication being made.

Participating in any user’s activities as a result, directly or indirectly, from using our Application, is entirely at your own risk. We are not a party to any agreement entered into between the users in any circumstances. You have the sole and ultimate responsibility regarding compliance with all laws, regulations or any other duty. We do not accept any liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense that you may suffer or incur as a result of or in connection with your participation in any activity or event initiated, held or conducted by any user or a third party nor in connection to any agreement between the users or third parties, including any activity or event related in any way, directly or indirectly, to the Application or the use thereof.


You may choose to share information between the Application and your social network account. Through this option, you may choose to have personal information and other content about you available from social networks, transmitted and shared through the Application.

By setting your account in the Application to integrate with social networks you agree to share information (including personal information) between the Application and such social networks, for the purposes provided under this Privacy Policy.

The social network’s use of information made available by the Application is governed by that social network’s privacy policy and controlled by the social network, not by this Privacy Policy or by us.

Please note that certain information which you have defined as private on your third party social network accounts may become public to other Application users through the Application if you have defined such information to be public on the Application.


We may establish and require from time to time additional or different means of identification and authentication for logging in and accessing the Application or for accessing certain features or designated sections of the Application services.

Your log-in details are your responsibility. You are fully accountable for any use or misuse of your Application and personal details as a result of conveying your details to someone else. You must maintain your log-in details in absolute confidentiality and avoid disclosing them to others. We recommend that you change your password frequently and at least once every six months.


We may use anonymous, statistical or aggregated information (including anonymous location information) in a form that does not enable the identification of a specific user, to properly operate the Application services, to improve the quality of such services, to enhance your experience, to create new services and features, including customized services, to change or cancel existing content or service, and for further internal, commercial and statistical purposes.

We may also use anonymous, statistical or aggregated information collected on the Application in a form that does not enable the identification of a specific user, by posting, disseminating, transmitting or otherwise communicating or making available such non-identifiable information to users of the Application, to our business partners and any other third party.

Cookies and Web Beacons

We may use cookies, web beacons, tracking pixels, and other tracking technologies on the Application to help customize the Application, improve your experience and for various purposes, such as to save you the need to re-enter your username and password each time you log-in, to collect statistical information, to verify information and to customize the Application to your personal preferences and for information security purposes.


When you access the Application, your personal information is not collected through the use of tracking technology. Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default. You can remove or reject cookies, but be aware that such action could affect the availability and functionality of the Application. You may not decline web beacons. However, they can be rendered ineffective by declining all cookies or by modifying your web browser’s settings to notify you each time a cookie is tendered, permitting you to accept or decline cookies on an individual basis.

Internet-Based Advertising

Additionally, we may use third-party software to serve ads on the Application, implement email marketing campaigns, and manage other interactive marketing initiatives.  This third-party software may use cookies or similar tracking technology to help manage and optimize your online experience with us.  You may opt-out of the interest-based ads by opt-out tools.

Website Analytics

We may also partner with selected third-party vendors (such as Google Analytics) to allow tracking technologies and remarketing services on the Application through the use of first party cookies and third-party cookies in order to, among other things, analyze and track users’ use of the Application, determine the popularity of certain content, and better understand online activity.

By accessing the Application, you consent to the collection and use of your information by these third-party vendors. You are encouraged to review their privacy policy and contact them directly for responses to your questions. We do not transfer personal information to these third-party vendors. However, if you do not want any information to be collected and used by tracking technologies, you can install and/or update your settings accordingly. 

You should be aware that getting a new computer, installing a new browser, upgrading an existing browser, or erasing or otherwise altering your browser’s cookies files may also clear certain opt-out cookies, plug-ins or settings.

Third-Party Websites

The Application may contain links to third-party websites and applications of interest, including advertisements and external services, which are not affiliated with us. Once you have used these links to leave the Application, any information you provide to these third parties is not covered by this Privacy Policy, and we cannot guarantee the safety and privacy of your information. Before visiting and providing any information to any third-party websites, you should inform yourself of the privacy policies and practices (if any) of the third party responsible for that website, and should take those steps necessary to, in your discretion and your responsibility, protect the privacy of your information. We are not responsible for the content or privacy and security practices and policies of any third parties, including other sites, services or applications that may be linked to or from the Application.


We consider information security to be a top priority. Therefore we implement systems, applications and procedures to secure your personal information in order to minimize the risks of theft, damage, loss of information, or unauthorized access or use of information and we use other administrative, technical, and physical security measures to help protect your personal information.  While we have taken reasonable steps to secure the personal information you provide to us, please be aware that despite our efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable, and no method of data transmission can be guaranteed against any interception or other type of misuse.  We cannot guarantee and you cannot reasonably expect that our databases will be immune from any wrongdoings, malfunctions, unlawful interceptions or access, or other kinds of abuse and misuse. Any information disclosed online is vulnerable to interception and misuse by unauthorized parties.

Controls For Do-Not-Track Features  

Most web browsers and some mobile operating systems include a Do-Not-Track (“DNT”) feature or setting you can activate to signal your privacy preference not to have data about your online browsing activities monitored and collected.  No uniform technology standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals has been finalized. As such, we do not currently respond to DNT browser signals or any other mechanism that automatically communicates your choice not to be tracked online.  If a standard for online tracking is adopted that we must follow in the future, we will inform you about that practice in a revised version of this Privacy Policy.  


If you find that the information associated with your Application account is not accurate, complete or updated, then you should make all necessary changes to correct it. Please keep in mind that false, incorrect, or outdated information may prevent you from setting up a username and impair the ability to provide you with suitable Application services.

You may at any time review or change the information in your Application account or terminate such account by:

Logging into your account settings and updating your account

Contacting us using the contact information provided below

Upon your request to terminate your Application account, we will deactivate or delete your account and information from our active databases. However, some information may be retained in our files to prevent fraud, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, enforce our Terms of Use and/or comply with legal requirements. Please note that the information, including photos (that are part of the installation reports) will be preserved in the application DB even after removal of the application.

Emails and Communications

If you no longer wish to receive correspondence, emails, or other communications from us, you may opt-out by:

Noting your preferences at the time you register your Application account;

Logging into your account settings and updating your preferences;

Contacting us using the contact information below;

If you no longer wish to receive correspondence, emails, or other communications from third parties, you are responsible for contacting such third party directly.


If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at